Trumpeterring to Mars

They finna send them poor whites into the stratosphere. Same way they sent them on them boats for the Virginia company.

Whitey on the moon. Ever eager for their next frontier. They trumpeter onto mars eager for economic value they can extract. If you can sustain life on Mars you can sustain business on mars. The whites really will try to colonize Martians the way they colonized Africans.

Their hollywood has been afraid of them since time immemorial. Painting a villainous alien the fantasy of our worst nightmare. A icky muhfucker that’s od swole and hideous. Slimy with disproportionate features and shit. In they eyes they aint never seen something so disgusting, so inhumane.

A nigga like me see my best shot up against whiteness. A potential Martian homie who’s more empathetic than most of white america. Someone who perhaps may also be misunderstood or have had painted a narrative of them that was too far from the truth. A nigga like me see an ally, per say. A comrade in this campaign for Black lives mattering. I too believe Martian lives matter. And that any spirits on Mars must got some kinda super powers that we can use to tag team these muthafuckas.

Whiteness is crazy dont trust it, we got the receipts right here!
