“Whether you feel yourself spiritual or not it doesn’t matter. We all come here to remember, and to figure out a way to build around us a healing shield against the hostility of the world out there.” - Malidoma Somé

  • Shared study is the foundation of our work. Our larger aspiration of world building alongside community requires collective learning, dreaming, and creating. Our practice values imperfection and failure as necessary aspects of creative innovation.

  • As an archival research institute, we prioritize the collection and preservation of ancestral and indigenous wisdom. Our definition of research centers information obtained through traditional mediums inclusive of oration, movement, etc. By uncovering the narratives, beliefs and practices of our ancestors, we can imagine a sovereign future.

  • Curiosity breathes life into our intuitive pedagogy. The intuition of each practitioner guides the approach to shared study, research, and creative production. Practitioners are invited to research what inspires them and identify connections to our areas of study.