Black Digital Technologies Reading Group (PP)

Black Digital Technologies Reading Group (PP)


Guided by Dr. Brooklyne Gipson, this group will read and discuss emergent texts from Black scholars of Critical Race and Digital Studies. The goal is to acquire a deeper understanding of how critical perspectives on race, gender, and digital technology can help us better understand the current hyper-mediated moment we live in. Special attention will be paid to issues related to digital inequity, the spread of racialized misinformation/disinformation, emergent technologies (such as AI, large language modeling software, deep fakes, and facial recognition technology), as well as what’s at stake for Black people, indigenous people, and other people of color. We will conclude by reading Ruha Benjamin’s “Viral Justice” as an impetus for discussing interventions, the next steps, and the role of creativity and imagination in disrupting digital inequality.

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