Material Artifacts
Material Artifacts

Not For Sale
SPACE, Neighborhood Studios, Clothing, Shirts
The Youngs "Neighborhood Acknowledgement" Zip Shirt
SPACE, Neighborhood Studios, Clothing, Shirts
SPACE, Neighborhood Studios, Clothing, Shirts
Research Notes
Research (INTERNAL)
Visual Essay — The Youngs Neighborhood Studio
Kayla Zwa, Floyd Zion, Yolanda Redd, and Ephraim Owairu sharing in study of space. Guided by Marvin James. Photography by Homer-Williams. Styling by Marvin James and Dash Vintage.
IP — Meet The Youngs
Meet The Youngs is a platform that gives artists, organizers, and neighbors the space and the tools to embrace self-expression and self-organizing in neighborhoods. Founded in January 2017, this co-operative platform has created 17 spaces across Los Angeles, Brooklyn, and Amsterdam-Zuidoost.
100% of sales from this study will be invested in building a neighborhood studio in Los Angeles — for now: $733.48. Follow them on Instagram for more.