How much are enrollment costs?

Costs vary by study group from $50 to $500. We offer sliding scale pricing and Black and Indigenous student scholarships in order to make our offerings more accessible to community members. You can apply for financial aid here.

When do I have to pay?

Payment must be submitted by Friday, June 30, 2023 at 5pm.

Are payment plans available?

Payment plans can be arranged via email once study group admission and financial aid emails are sent out to participants.

When will I find out if I have received financial aid or a scholarship?

Your acceptance email will include the details of your financial support. 

What’s the difference between sliding scale support and a scholarship?

Scholarships are only available for Black and Indigenous participants. Everyone is welcome to request sliding scale financial support.

Are separate financial aid applications required for different courses?

No, you only need to submit one financial aid application.

Are financial aid applications separate from study group applications?

Yes, you must submit an application for each study group you’d like to participate in alongside one financial aid application.